Play the Fool
Every Friday, I get an email from Tim Ferris called 5-Bullet Friday. I first learned of Ferris through his books, “The 4-Hour Work Week” and “The 4-Hour Chef.” Later I started listening to his podcasts in which he interviews in-depth, people who have achieved something significant. Tim lists five items of interest that he found during the week. This week, the first bullet is a TED talk on creativity done by the actor Ethan Hawk.
Here are a couple of quotes from the talk:
You start to see how connected we all are.
You have to be willing to play the fool [to be creative].
My greatest weakness in improving my photography and blogging is self-consciousness. It is the reason that I stopped blogging for a few years. I must start being willing to play the fool. I made a start by creating a short video of myself being a tad foolish.