A Bad Habit Bites the Dust!
. . . the only way to break one bad habit was by replacing it with an even worse habit.
— Mark Twain
Mark Twain, as far as I know, never said that. Dan Simons did in his novel “The Fifth Heart” in which Samual Clemens (aka Mark Twain) is a character. Simons’s character said the above, not Twain.
Anyway, I broke my bad habit of drinking an embarrassing amount of Diet Coke daily; a habit not only unhealthy but also expensive. I couldn’t think of a worse habit to embrace to get enough caffeine into my system. Caffeinated gin? No. So I quit cold turkey.
Here is a genuine Mark Twain quote:
I notice that you use plain, simple language, short words and brief sentences. That is the way to write English. It is the modern way and the best way.
— Mark Twain
I originally was going to confine this post to only my best photos from April and May. I’ll end the post with those photos.